Remuneration trends: Retention in the spotlight 


One in four Australian employees received a 7%+ pay rise this year. Learn how remuneration is evolving in the year ahead.



That trend is reflected in 美世’s findings, 2022年,澳大利亚企业的员工流动率创下五年来的最高纪录, at 21.4%. 今年可能会保持这种情况,仅自愿离职人数就达到10人.2% in the first half of 2023.


与此同时, 60%的雇主表示,他们在招聘或留住某些岗位的员工方面仍有困难. Some skills are clearly still in short supply, 保留和再培训现有员工可能是未来一年劳动力规划的首要任务.

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美世2023年薪资预算快照调查还发现,27%的雇主加薪幅度与通胀持平或高于通胀, 四分之一的人还预计,到2024年,工资涨幅将与通胀持平或高于通胀.

With inflation peaking at a three-decade high of 7.8% 2022年12月 1.500万年 Australians now at risk of mortgage stress after 12 interest rate rises, 员工们越来越关注经济补偿,这并不奇怪. A 2022 RMIT研究 调查发现,85%的受访者认为,高昂的98858威尼斯70570成本使他们的薪水变得更加重要,超过三分之一的人在过去一年中换了工作,以寻求更高的薪水.

That trend is reflected in 美世’s findings, 2022年,澳大利亚企业的员工流动率创下五年来的最高纪录, at 21.4%. 今年可能会保持这种情况,仅自愿离职人数就达到10人.2% in the first half of 2023.

与此同时, 60%的雇主表示,他们在招聘或留住某些岗位的员工方面仍有困难. Some skills are clearly still in short supply, 保留和再培训现有员工可能是未来一年劳动力规划的首要任务.

去年, employers made more cautious salary budget forecasts, 但由于持续的留住挑战,他们后来增加了这些数字. 人, grappling with the pressures of rising living costs, are increasingly drawn to higher salaries elsewhere.

Products Leader – General Market, Digital & 的见解, 美世 劳动力 解决方案, Pacific


98858威尼斯70570成本增长对低收入员工的不成比例的影响, many employers also focused on entry level roles and support staff. Para-professional employees received a 4.3% salary increase, up from a 2.到2022年加薪5%,入门级项目工程专业人员加薪19%.


In contrast, new hire premiums for executives are in decline, down to just 0.9% in October 2023 according to the 美世’s Remuneration Database. This also suggests senior talent is being nurtured from within, reducing the pressure to compete for external leadership.

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今年的重点是留住同一组织中相同职位的员工,他们的基本工资中位数增加了4%. 而且这些增幅分布不均,一些工作岗位的增幅接近20%.

Employers are weighing up the priority skills for future growth, along with supply and demand factors, 在分配加薪时. They told us roles in sales, marketing and product management; engineering and science; IT, telecom and internet; and production and skilled trades are the most difficult to fill and retain.

有趣的是, 2023年加薪幅度最大的三个行业是采矿业和金属行业, 运输设备, and other non-制造业 (including construction, 热情好客, 农业和其他). Over a third of employees in mining and metals received a 7%+ pay increase. And that trend is likely to continue. 展望未来, 化学品公司, 能源, 生命科学, 制造业, and technology sectors are all planning to allocate between 3.到2024年,将6%到4%的薪酬预算用于绩效考核.

考虑到98858威尼斯70570成本增长对低收入员工的不成比例的影响, many employers also focused on entry level roles and support staff. Para-professional employees received a 4.3% salary increase, up from a 2.到2022年加薪5%,入门级项目工程专业人员加薪19%.

In contrast, new hire premiums for executives are in decline, down to just 0.9% in October 2023 according to the 美世’s Remuneration Database. This also suggests senior talent is being nurtured from within, reducing the pressure to compete for external leadership.

The competition for talent, along with anticipated growth, has put upward pressure on salary increases within some sectors.

Head of Market 的见解 and Data, Pacific

Giving employees more reasons to stay

随着明年通胀压力的缓解,薪资谈判可能会变得不那么激烈. 短期内, 雇主需要考虑激励员工加入并留在公司的因素.

健康的好处 灵活性是主要考虑因素,这些正在成为基本期望. 职业发展也是一项有价值的员工福利,有很大的潜力影响员工的留任.

根据 美世’s 2022-23 Global Talent Trends report, 计划留下来的员工更有可能说他们现在的雇主提供了横向职业发展的机会, or makes future career steps clear to them. 然而在许多组织中, it’s easier for people to find new opportunities outside, including with competitors, 比在.

Some organisations are implementing a skills-powered人才 model to enhance job transparency, capture data on employee experience, 技能和兴趣, 使他们能够从组织内部匹配合适的人员和合适的工作. 这些数据还可以明确哪些技能变得不那么重要,以及未来需要哪些技能. And that should ultimately help determine remuneration strategies.

在当今竞争激烈的环境中,组织必须培养一种技能优先的心态. 这为企业和员工开启了一种思考工作和人才的全新方式.

美世’s 劳动力 解决方案 Leader, Pacific

Easing pressure for talent

而 employers turn their attention to retention, they are also more cautious about their hiring intentions for 2024. 根据 the 美世’s 2023 Total Remuneration Survey, 只有28%的雇主计划在2024年增加员工人数,低于2022年的46%.

In the US, the Great Resignation is already evolving into the 大呆, with more employees choosing the stability of their current employer. In Australia, unemployment is expected to rise again to 4.到2024年底,失业率将下降5%,这意味着看似无穷无尽的就业机会可能会开始减少.

对雇主来说, payroll is a key lever for talent acquisition and retention, and budgets will continue to be under scrutiny. 了解你的薪酬与竞争对手相比如何是很重要的, 以及你还可以采取哪些其他手段来做出明智的决定,让你的人才有更多留下的理由. 

Total Remuneration Survey: Australian Salary Outlook 2024

One in four employees received a 7%+ pay rise in 2023

超过1200家机构参与了美世2023年澳大利亚总薪酬调查. 研究结果表明,雇主提供了慷慨的加薪,以缓解员工流动率的飙升,并支持工人应对不断上涨的98858威尼斯70570成本. 

美世总薪酬调查为您提供全球最大、最全面的薪酬和福利数据来源, across every sector and over 6,000个澳大利亚就业岗位. 
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Products Leader – General Market, Digital & 的见解, 美世 劳动力 解决方案, Pacific


Head of Market 的见解 and Data, Pacific


劳动力 解决方案 Leader, Pacific

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